Yesterday, The Cemetery.
There’s so much energy swirling around this time of year. Actually, at all times but this time is especially peculiar and wonderful. It is my favorite part of the year. Not only the fall season, cooler weather, rain, Halloween, Samhain (pronounced sow-win or saah-ween), and my birthday. My birthday is Tuesday, November 5th. For the first time in my life, I am at peace with stillness. It’s the first time, I am slowing down, not planning a party or a big dinner. I’ve been very quiet lately. On purpose. This quiet has led me to some pretty interesting undertakings. Nature is all around me and as I’ve shared before, it’s loving me and I am loving it in return.
Life has been speaking to me all of my life and I am slowing down and quieting my mind/ego to hear what she’s been whispering to me.
Yesterday, leaving the grocery store, I drove past a cemetery. A whisper instructed me to stop and take a walk through. I parked and got out of my car. I walked in and immediately felt a deep sense of peace and calm. I inhaled the fresh air and tuned my listening into the trees dancing with the breeze. I looked over at a huge tree and there were squirrels just rustling through the fallen leaves, almost like they were dancing. The squirrels are very active here this time of year, gathering and storing up for the winter.
As I continued to walk through this cemetery, I looked around and saw many headstones, names, years, small messages to the deceased and it was truly beautiful. I wondered what kind of lives these people lived, who loved them and who they loved. Those were my immediate thoughts. Did they laugh enough? Did they follow their hearts or did they follow the crowd? Then, I inhaled and asked myself all of those questions because yeah, this LIFE experience is truly beautiful and rich. If I choose it to be. I smiled. I choose it to be.
The Cemetery felt so good to me. A soothing and a calming energy. I stood in various parts of it taking it all in. Breathing in the Life that is all around me. Time didn’t exist. Time doesn’t exist. All I have is NOW. The Now-ness of love, peace, joy and light. Life continues to transform itself as do we all. By the time I’m finished typing this post, you’ll be different and so will I. Allowing for these changes, there’s freedom.
I looked around at these various points of human references and realized we all are points of energy. Energy is always transforming, shifting, moving. Nothing is static. Even in this cemetery, everything changes. Yesterday, there were leaves on the ground and in a few weeks, they’ll be snow. Nothing stays the same. I appreciate the illusion of stagnation lifting. I appreciate the ability to see beyond this 3D experience and see through to the other side. I am grateful that life continues reveals herself to me and through me.
As I was preparing to come Earth side during this time…..
Scorpio Season
Thinning Veil
The Beginning of Truth
Spirit is Always Here
and as I inhaled and exhaled deeply, turned around to walk out of the cemetery, I looked over to my left and saw a tombstone and it read, in all caps, TURNER. My last name. I giggled.
Here’s a little something…
”When you walk across the fields with your mind pure and holy, then from all the stones and all growing things, and all animals, the sparks of their soul come out & cling to you, and then they are purified and become a holy fire in you.” ~Ancient Hasidic quote.